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How To Afford High End & Luxury Makeup

Author: Helen
Mar. 07, 2024
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If I had to choose between high-end and drugstore, I’d hands down pick drugstore makeup over high-end makeup. Drugstore brands are really upping their game and the quality of their products are insanely good. With that said, I do love to use high-end products although they’re hard to get a hold of and very expensive. In this post, I want to share with you how to afford high-end and luxury makeup in a budget so if you’re interested then keep on reading!

Si je devais choisir entre le haut de gamme et le drugstore, je choisirais le maquillage de drugstore sur du maquillage haut de gamme! Les marques de drugstores améliorent vraiment leur jeu et la qualité de leurs produits est incroyablement bonne. Cela dit, j’adore utiliser des produits haut de gamme bien qu’ils soient difficiles à trouver et très chers. Dans ce post, je veux partager avec vous comment se permettre le maquillage haut de gamme et de luxe dans un budget, donc si vous êtes intéressé, continuez à lire!

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First of all, I want to start off by saying that high-end products are not a must. There’s some sort of pressure for people to own certain brands within a certain age which is completely absurd. I bought my first high-end makeup product at the age of 20 so don’t feel pressured to buy products because of others – buy it for yourself!

Don’t forget your responsibilities as well, pay your bills & rent, save some money in case of an emergency, etc. But most importantly have fun as well, if buying makeup makes you happy then go for it, it’s your hard earned money and if you want to splurge then it’s your choice.

In addition, there’s a kind of myth that high-end products are better quality than drugstore products which is completely untrue. You can find gems in the drugstore and on the other hand find disastrous high-end items and vice versa so it’s all about doing your research.

I use this technique to buy all my high-end products that’s one of the reasons why the majority of the makeup I own are from the drugstore, I make sure the high-end makeup I buy are worth the investment and that I won’t regret buying them.

Tout d’abord, je veux commencer par dire que les produits haut de gamme ne sont pas indispensables. Il y a une sorte de pression pour que les gens possèdent certaines marques à un certain âge, ce qui est complètement absurde. J’ai acheté mon premier produit de maquillage haut de gamme à l’âge de 20 ans, alors ne vous sentez pas obligé d’acheter des produits à cause des autres – achetez-le pour vous!

N’oubliez pas vos responsabilités, payez vos factures et vos loyers, économisez de l’argent en cas d’urgence, etc. Mais surtout, amusez-vous aussi, si l’achat de maquillage vous rend heureux alors allez-y, c’est votre argent durement gagné et si vous voulez faire des folies alors c’est votre choix.

En outre, il existe une sorte de mythe selon lequel les produits haut de gamme sont de meilleure qualité que les produits de pharmacie, ce qui est complètement faux. Vous pouvez trouver des gemmes dans la pharmacie et d’autre part trouver des articles haut de gamme désastreux et vice versa, donc il s’agit de faire vos recherches.

J’utilise cette technique pour acheter tous mes produits haut de gamme qui est l’une des raisons pour lesquelles la majorité du maquillage que je possède provient de la pharmacie, je m’assure que le maquillage haut de gamme que j’achète vaut l’investissement et que je ne regret de les avoir achetés.



If you’re thinking about buying high-end makeup products then write a wishlist of all the makeup products you want to buy – remember this doesn’t have to be realistic – you’re just writing all the products you’ve been thinking about buying. Have a browse through Cult Beauty and Beauty Bay, check all their brands so from that way you don’t forget to add any items. I create my list in a specific order so it’s easier for me to add and remove products, I do it on my phone as well which makes it much easier!

Si vous envisagez d’acheter des produits de maquillage haut de gamme, alors écrivez une liste de tous les produits de maquillage que vous voulez acheter – rappelez-vous que cela ne doit pas être réaliste – vous écrivez simplement tous les produits auxquels vous avez pensé achat. Parcourez Cult Beauty and Beauty Bay, vérifiez toutes leurs marques donc vous n’oublierez pas d’ajouter des articles. Je crée ma liste dans un ordre spécifique, donc c’est plus facile pour moi d’ajouter et de supprimer des produits, je le fais aussi sur mon téléphone, ce qui me facilite beaucoup la tâche!



This step is very crucial because it’s going to determine which products are staying on your list, any products that don’t make this list will be removed meaning these products aren’t worth the money or simply won’t work for you. I like to start off by researching if the products I wrote on my wishlist were mentioned by my favourite youtubers. Mind that when I say “favourite youtubers”, I mean influencers who have the same skin tone or skin type as me for a better representation.  Usually the products I’ve added on my list are because of them so this one is pretty straightforward.

I do love watching other youtubers who don’t have anything in common with me in terms of skin type/tone but I know for a fact the products they love won’t work on me so there is no point in checking  their reviews. Also, I love to check out blog posts of these specific products as well. I can read an in-depth review with pictures which is always a plus from me! This step takes me at least 1 to 2 weeks (really!) because I want to make sure that the products I buy will 100% work on me.

Cette étape est très importante car elle déterminera quels produits resteront sur votre liste, tous les produits qui ne feront pas partie de cette liste seront supprimés, ce qui signifie que ces produits ne valent pas l’argent ou ne fonctionneront tout simplement pas pour vous. J’aime commencer par rechercher si les produits que j’ai écrits sur ma wishlist ont été mentionnés par mes youtubers préférés. Attention quand je dis “youtubers préférés”, je veux dire les influenceurs qui ont le même teint ou le même type de peau que moi pour une meilleure représentation. Habituellement, les produits que j’ai ajoutés sur ma liste sont à cause d’eux donc celui-ci est assez simple.

J’aime beaucoup d’autres youtubers qui n’ont rien en commun avec moi en termes de type de peau/ton mais je sais pertinemment que les produits qu’ils aiment ne fonctionneront pas pour moi donc il ne sert à rien de vérifier leurs critiques. En outre, j’aime regarder les articles de blog de ces produits spécifiques aussi. Je peux lire un critique approfondi avec des photos, ce qui est toujours un plus pour moi! Cette étape me prend au moins 1 à 2 semaines (vraiment!) parce que je veux m’assurer que les produits que j’achèteront fonctionneront à 100% sur moi.



This is the second part of the research where I check on Google Images and Instagram. When it comes to certain products like eyeshadow palettes and lip products, I like to see swatches and pictures of these products that’s when these tools come in handy. For Google Images, it’s pretty self-explanatory if you type the name of the product, it’ll show a bunch of pictures then you’ll have to browse through each picture. For Instagram, I like to check the products through the hashtags.

C’est la deuxième partie de la recherche où je vérifie sur Google Images et Instagram. Quand il s’agit de certains produits comme les palettes d’ombres à paupières et les produits pour les lèvres, j’aime voir des nuances et des images de ces produits c’est à ce moment-là que ces outils sont utiles. Pour Google Images, il est assez explicite si vous tapez le nom du produit, il affichera un tas de photos, puis vous devrez parcourir chaque image. Pour Instagram, j’aime vérifier les produits à travers les hashtags.



In my opinion, if I can find a dupe of the product I’m going to buy then I’ll think about whether or not I want to buy it. Simply because if the dupe in question is good enough for a fraction of the price then why would I spend so much money on a product double the price?

I know a lot of people might disagree with me but I don’t see the point in buying expensive products when I can buy similar products for half the price. Obviously, you’ve to do your research just because it’s considered a dupe doesn’t mean it’s better than the original. In some cases, there are some hits and misses so you’ve to research before purchasing anything.

À mon avis, si je peux trouver une dupe du produit que je vais acheter, je vais réfléchir à la question de savoir si je veux l’acheter. Simplement parce que si la dupe en question est assez bonne pour une fraction du prix alors pourquoi dépenserais-je autant d’argent pour un produit double le prix?

Je sais que beaucoup de gens pourraient être en désaccord avec moi, mais je ne vois pas l’intérêt d’acheter des produits coûteux quand je peux acheter des produits similaires pour la moitié du prix. Évidemment, vous devez faire votre recherche juste parce que c’est considéré comme un dupe ne signifie pas que c’est mieux que l’original. Dans certains cas, il y a des résultats positifs et négatifs, donc vous devez faire des recherches avant d’acheter quoi que ce soit.



Another question I ask myself is if the products I wrote on my wishlist are worth the investment. For instance, I consider my base products as investment and I’d rather spend money on my skincare and foundation than eyeshadow palettes and lipsticks. This will differ for each and everyone so think about what types of products you would like to spend more money on.

Une autre question que je me pose est si les produits que j’ai écrits sur ma wishlist valent l’investissement. Par exemple, je considère mes produits de base comme des investissements et je préfère dépenser de l’argent pour mes soins de la peau et mes fonds de teint plutôt que des palettes de fards à paupières et des rouges à lèvres. Cela va différer pour tout le monde alors pensez à quels types de produits vous souhaitez dépenser plus d’argent.



Now once you’ve have done all your research, it’s time to cut down some products. As a makeup lover, it’s really hard to let go of products that you love but you’ve to understand that if these products aren’t worth the money or won’t work on you then there’s no point in purchasing them.

Maintenant, une fois que vous avez fait toutes vos recherches, il est temps de réduire certains produits. En tant qu’amateur de maquillage, il est vraiment difficile de laisser tomber les produits que vous aimez mais vous devez comprendre que si ces produits ne valent pas l’argent ou ne fonctionneront pas sur vous alors il ne sert à rien de les acheter.



After you’ve finalised your list, the next step is to plan. You’ve to plan how you’re going to save money to buy these products, remember you can take time to buy them – you don’t need to spend all your money in one go otherwise you’ll go broke! I check on the things I splurge every month, for others it might be clubbing, eating out, clothes, jewelleries, etc.

For me, it’s books (which aren’t expensive compared to the price in France) so let’s say I’m going to make an order on Cult Beauty this month then I won’t buy any books for this month because I’ll use that money to buy makeup. Sometimes, you can make adjustments like buying books at Sainsbury’s and Asda instead of Waterstones and WHSmith where they’re way more expensive.

You can save money little by little each month whether it’s £5 or £20 then after 5/6 months, you’ll be able to buy at least one product of your choice. Even if you can’t instantly buy any products, you’ll definitely be able to in a couple of months so think about the end result!

Après avoir finalisé votre liste, l’étape suivante consiste à planifier. Vous devez planifier comment vous allez économiser de l’argent pour acheter ces produits, rappelez-vous que vous pouvez prendre le temps de les acheter – vous n’avez pas besoin de dépenser tout votre argent en une seule fois sinon vous ferez faillite! Je vérifie les choses que je fais chaque mois, pour d’autres ça peut être du clubbing, manger dehors, des vêtements, des bijoux, etc.

Pour moi, c’est des livres (qui ne sont pas chers par rapport au prix en France) alors disons que je vais faire une commande sur Cult Beauty ce mois-ci alors je n’achèterai pas de livres pour ce mois parce que je vais utiliser cet argent pour acheter du maquillage. Parfois, vous pouvez faire des ajustements comme acheter des livres chez Sainsbury’s et Asda au lieu de Waterstones et WHSmith où ils sont beaucoup plus chers.

Vous pouvez économiser de l’argent petit à petit chaque mois, que ce soit £5 ou £20 puis après 5/6 mois, vous pourrez acheter au moins un produit de votre choix. Même si vous ne pouvez pas acheter instantanément des produits, vous pourrez certainement dans quelques mois donc pensez au résultat final!



It’s way cheaper to buy products when there’s a sale and around the holiday times, you’ll be able to buy more products for the same amount which is a win-win situation for me. Sign up on these websites and you’ll receive an email when there’s a big sale so you can instantly place your order. Sometimes when signing up for the first time, they offer a discount code as well!

Il est beaucoup moins cher d’acheter des produits quand il y a une vente et autour des temps de vacances, vous serez en mesure d’acheter plus de produits pour le même montant. Inscrivez-vous sur ces sites et vous recevrez un email quand il y aura une grande vente afin que vous puissiez instantanément passer votre commande. Parfois, lors de l’inscription pour la première fois, ils offrent également un code de réduction!

Here’s a list of websites where I like to buy my high-end beauty products:

✘ Cult Beauty

✘ Selfridges

✘ Debenhams

✘ Boots

✘ TK Maxx



xo N

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Looking for affordable beauty solutions?

Or even scoring some free makeup and skincare samples, or even full-size products, by getting them shipped to your home?

Are you obsessed with makeup and beauty products but not the expensive price tags you see at stores you love like Sephora?

According to People.com, the average woman spends $43 on each shopping trip at beauty stores. Based on the video below, the source also says that each woman is likely to spend $15,000 on makeup and beauty products in her total lifetime.

If you’re a woman totally obsessed with beauty and skincare products, then don’t be alarmed for spending WAY more than that! In this case, it’s no surprise that you may even spend over $5,000 per year making it over hundreds of thousand dollars in your lifetime!

When you think about it, makeup and beauty products aren’t cheap.

One study from the UK shows that 70% of women will never leave the house without their makeup tools, and half of those women said they wear makeup 24/7.

The beauty industry is an astounding $382 billion industry, so there is definitely a high demand for beauty, makeup, and toiletry products.


More articles on frugal and affordable beauty tips:


How do you save money on beauty products?

Having that said, giving the advice to NOT buy makeup just to save money isn’t going to fly for women who love to wear makeup.

But it doesn’t mean you can’t find clever ways to save money and still look your best!

The good news is you can buy all the makeup and beauty products you absolutely love without wasting money and going broke.

So how do you save money on makeup and beauty products?

Below, you’ll see that I gathered the greatest tips on how to save money on makeup and beauty products!

Let’s go through these savvy beauty tips to help you avoid overspending and wasting products!


1. Use what you already have at home

Before you do anything, I recommend you to check your home first! You’d be surprised to find some unused products somewhere.

Whether it be clothes, makeup, bags, or shoes, we have the tendency to overbuy things when we shop. This is especially true when our favorite makeup products go on sale or when we can’t resist that gorgeous lipstick color we see at the store. 💋

What ends up happening is we collect a lot of stuff that we forget about…

Oops? 😬

Better check your collection of makeup in your makeup bags before heading out to purchase another brand new product!


2. Use Swagbucks as a Sephora shopping hack (get free Sephora gift cards)

When there is a good sale going on, don’t forget to use free saving money tools and cashback apps to combine the offers. This will allow you to save BIG on your daily makeup routine.

I am super excited to share with you my secret beauty weapon on how I get Sephora gift cards online for free!

like to use this FREE Swagbucks app to get up to 30% cashback from my favorite makeup stores like Sephora. At the same time, you can also collect Swagbucks points and redeem free Sephora gift cards.

I literally just redeemed this FREE $50 Sephora gift card a few days ago from my Swagbucks account!

Not only can you earn points on your online purchases from beauty retailers like Sephora, but you can also accumulate more points just by surfing the web, taking quick daily survey polls that ask you beauty-related questions, watching videos, and other online activities that you normally do.

Those points get converted to cash rewards or free gift cards.

If you’re already going to be making a purchase online via Sephora, you may as well take advantage of free resources that don’t cost you anything. Plus, it’s easy and hassle-free to use!

Want FREE makeup and beauty products? Sign up for Swagbucks for free here and get a $5 welcome bonus! You can use your points towards any gift card of your choice.


Related post on ways to save money on beauty products: How I Get $50 to $100 Sephora Gift Cards For Free


3.  Less is more

Most of the time, less is actually more. This is how I’m able to save thousands of dollars on beauty products to avoid waste and going broke.

I know this because when I started tracking my expenses a few years ago, I didn’t realize how much money I spent on personal care which a lot ended up going to the dumpster. You won’t notice these numbers unless you actually add up all your credit card statements and receipts, so I HIGHLY recommend doing this exercise.

Nowadays, I may stock up 2-3 packs of my favorite mascara when it goes on sale, but I generally keep my overall makeup routine very simple.

For example, I like to spend more and splurge on one of my favorite non-toxic foundation from RMS Beauty, which is also sold at Sephora. I also like to splurge on a few high-quality skincare products that are safe for my skin. With these more expensive items, I make sure that I purchase another one a month before running out. This ensures that I finish the product and not wasting money.

This can also help you avoid buying too many expensive products at once and forgetting where you put them. Plus, having too many makeup selections (i.e. multiple shades of foundation, eye shadow, lip gloss, etc.) may cause overwhelm and decision fatigue on what to use on a daily basis.

This leads to my next point…


4. Figure out which type of makeup look suits you and stick with it

Not everyone is able to pull off their favorite celebrity’s look. But that doesn’t mean you can’t look amazing, girl!

Discover and do some experimenting at the store to see which looks you can pull off well. That means choosing and sticking with only a few products that you know you will love and use almost every day. You can do this by buying a sample size to try out first. Of, if that sample size is available at no cost, you can request for free samples, which I mention in my next point.

Not only will you save money, but you will save a lot of time from making too many decisions that leave you with decision paralysis.


6. Get free makeup samples!

One of the best ways to save money on makeup is to hunt for free samples!

Who doesn’t love getting THESE free makeup and beauty samples?

I absolutely LOVE them because it’s a great way to try new makeup products without killing your budget.

Some free samples can be requested by mail. Some, you can directly get from your local beauty stores like Sephora or Kiehl’s. I am also very selective when I choose my free samples each time I shop online.

Either way, stores are willing to give you free samples that last up to 2 weeks before you decide to buy.

Always ask for free samples before purchasing the actual product.

This will help you save money and ensure that you actually love the product!


5. Use coconut oil for many beauty purposes

Coconut oil is one of the most versatile products today!

It’s cost-effective for multipurpose and can help you save money on your beauty routine.

From cooking healthier meals to using it on your face as a makeup remover, coconut oil is a product you can’t afford to miss out on.

Here are many ways you can use coconut oil as a beauty product every day:

  • makeup remover
  • natural lip balm
  • body moisturizer for your legs and arms
  • repair dried and crack heels
  • hair defrizzer


7. Apply sunscreen on your face each day — it’s so inexpensive!

Sunblock is seriously inexpensive and it works wonders to your skin!

Many studies show that sunscreen not only reduces your risk of skin cancer but using it on a daily basis also slows down aging. In other words, sunscreen prevents dark spots, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and other signs of premature aging.

It doesn’t matter how much money you spend on the best skincare products like SK-II’s best-selling essence made with Pitera or Kora Organics Vitamin C serum. They’re all great products, but you’re still ruining your delicate skin when you skip applying the right type of sunscreen to your face on a DAILY basis.

I honestly wish I started protecting my skin from the sun’s harmful UV exposure in my younger years! Fortunately, a new study in the journal Dermatologic Surgery shows that sunscreen can not only protect your skin but also reverse common signs of photoaging, like wrinkles and hyperpigmentation.


TOP SUNSCREEN RECOMMENDATION: Try THIS one amazing Korean sunscreen that many people love including me! I literally use this every single day in my skincare regimen before heading out the door! Sunscreen benefits both your health and looks, so I wouldn’t recommend skipping this step!

Another Korean skincare product I really like is THIS A’pieu’s Pure Block sunscreen with Aloe extract. I alternate between these two products. I like using A’pieu’s during the wintertime when my skin gets a little drier.

Either way, both are non-oily and applies better on my skin compared to the Western ones I’ve used in the past. I only use Korean sunscreen now and I’m NEVER going back to American sunscreens!


Having said that, sunscreen is such a frugal and cost-effective way to reduce your risk of skin cancer and to prevent it from making you look much older than you really are. So it’s important to start applying it to your face each day going forward for healthier looking skin.


8. Avoid waste due to expiration

Stocking up is a great idea when you know you can finish your products within a reasonable time.

However, sometimes when you go overboard with stocking up, you may end up overspending on products that end up going to waste.

PRO TIP: Avoid opening too many of the same products at once to avoid waste. For example, try not to open 5 different mascaras at the same time. These expire within 3-6 months. The expiration date will depend on when you open them and the type of makeup product. Always check the labels!


When does makeup expire?

Download this free makeup expiration chart printable to avoid using expired makeup which may have bad side effects on your skin and eyes!

Expiration dates are usually based on the time you open your product. So, it’s best to buy products that are sealed.


9. Get discounted gift cards

In addition to scoring free gift cards, other shopping hacks include finding discounted gift cards at trusted sources like Raise or Cardpool.

You could even sell or swap your unwanted gift cards in exchange for ones that are right for you.

Whether you purchase your makeup products at a high-end department store or your local drugstore, there’s a discounted gift card for that.

I’ve also seen Sephora and MAC cosmetic gift cards for 5-10% off on Cardpool.


10. Look for coupons

One way to save money on makeup is to look for coupons.

I have to admit that it’s not easy to come by good discount codes these days, but at least look for the code that allows you to get the product shipped for free!

While you’re looking for online coupons, don’t forget to combine your savings with Swagbucks and earn free gift cards to Sephora or Mac. Even if you’re not shopping at your favorite makeup store like Sephora, you can still save up to 20% at all your other favorite shops that are non-beauty related.


11. Ask for the gift card (or the beauty product) as a gift

What a great opportunity to score free gift cards and save money on makeup!

I’m sure you get asked what you want for your birthday or Christmas every year.

This may seem trivial, but just tell your friends and family you want a gift card to your favorite makeup store or drugstore. You could even be honest with them and let them know which product you want.

To top it up, Sephora gives you a free birthday gift every year with no purchase necessary! You should definitely check it out because it doesn’t cost you anything to redeem one of their top-rated beauty products. 🙂


12. Wait for “free bonus gift” promos

I’m sure when you’re searching online for questions like,  “how to save money on makeup” or “how to save money on beauty products”, you came across the advice to avoid department stores because of the expensive price tags.

While that may be true, it doesn’t mean you can’t score a great deal on your favorite makeup brand when there’s a special promotion going on.

For example, Clinique is one of my favorite brand-name makeup products but they can be quite pricey.

What I like to do is wait for their “bonus gift” promotion when they offer buyers a free makeup set.

That includes lipstick, mascara, blush, eye shadow, eye cream, and other samples in a cute makeup pouch when you spend over $35.

I don’t mind splurging on pricier things once in a while because I know I will use them. It just becomes even more valuable when something comes as a bonus for free!

Saving money on makeup doesn’t mean going for the cheapest option — it’s about getting the best value on something you’ll actually use and enjoy!


13. Try some in-store brands like “Sephora”

Similar to the last point, be open to trying in-store brands that you haven’t used before.

They usually come at a much lower price compared to brand names.

For example, I’ve tried Sephora’s in-house brand lipsticks and lip gloss. It’s amazing when you can snatch the colors you like on sale for as low as $3-$5!

To me, the colors are beautiful and it applies nicely. On top of that, it hasn’t been reported that Sephora lipsticks contain traces of lead, so I don’t feel the product is any less in quality compared to some of the other more expensive brands. In fact, there are some expensive brands that have been reported as toxic and unsafe to use due to the traces of lead in them.

According to Dr. Mark Mitchell, co-chair of the environmental health task force for the National Medical Association “Lead builds up in the body over time and lead-containing lipstick applied several times a day, every day, can add up to significant exposure levels.”

Though saving money is vital, it’s even more important to do your research and avoid lipsticks that contain traces of lead.


Related post on makeup buying tips: 15 Genius Hacks To Save Money at Sephora


14. See if you can score hidden gems at the discount store (maybe)

When I was searching for ways to save money on makeup, I discovered that you may be able to score hidden gems at the dollar store.

For example, someone from a Reddit article mentioned they were able to find the exact same products as the ones sold at drugstores.

I also remember one time when I was at my local drugstore looking for this Natural Glow moisturizer. A shopper stopped me from paying $10 and told me to visit the dollar store next door because they had a stock of the exact same product in 220mL for just $3! I thought she was crazy but it turns out she was right.

Also, if you’re looking for dollar store organization hacks for your makeup at your local dollar store, then it’s worth taking a peek at their beauty section to see if you can find any hidden gems once in a blue moon.

If you can score a great deal on a product you normally use, then why not?

CAUTION: ALWAYS make sure to do research on the ingredients and check whether or not the product is safe to use. And just because a product is expensive or made by a big company, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe to use. It’s more important to protect yourself and be safe than to save money. You can use EWG to learn more about making better choices on the beauty products you buy.


15. Invest in quality brushes to save money

Although I don’t spend a lot of money on particular makeup products like mascara and lipsticks, I do spend on higher-quality brushes.

The application of the blush and eye shadow results in a better finish when it’s paired with a quality brush compared to the cheaper ones. At least that’s just in my opinion. 🙂

Not only that, but they also last longer when you clean and take proper care of them.

Be sure to wash your brushes every 1-2 weeks with gentle soap and water. This prevents the build-up of dirt and bacteria.


16. Work part-time at your favorite makeup store

This is a clever way to earn extra money and score discounts at your favorite beauty or makeup store.

According to Glassdoor, Sephora employees get 40% off the Sephora collection and 20% off everything else.

If you have the time and you enjoy working in this type of environment, then you’ve found yourself a fun way to save money on makeup.


17. Recycle makeup containers and get free products in return

This is another smart way to save money on makeup and beauty products while benefiting the environment.

According to this Fashionista article, these beauty brands will reward you for recycling your empty containers.

A few examples from the article include:

  • Mac: Return six empty MAC products for a free lipstick.
  • Lush: Return five empty pots to Lush stores and you’ll get a free face mask.
  • Kiehl’s: Return 10 full-size containers at Kiehl’s to earn a free travel-sized product.


18. Shop below and above eye-level when browsing the aisles

Did you know it’s a marketing tactic for stores to place the most expensive item at eye level?

This captures the shoppers’ attention because it’s conveniently placed in front of them.

With that said, be sure to look below and above the shelves for better value products.

For example, when I’m at Sephora, I’m always looking up and down for different products. Stores just love putting the things they want you to buy at the eye-level and that’s usually the more expensive product.


FAQs about spending money on makeup and skin care


1. Am I spending too much on skincare?

If you’re eating poorly, avoiding exercise, and skimping on sleep, yet investing heavily in skincare products and procedures, you might be misallocating your resources. Solely relying on these treatments won’t yield the results you’re hoping for.

You’d be surprised to learn that beautiful skin isn’t just about an extensive skincare regimen or a costly budget. It’s largely influenced by your overall lifestyle, which extends far beyond the serums, creams, and treatments you use.

To maintain youthful, radiant skin, consider incorporating the following strategies, ranked in order of importance:

  • Stress Management: Stress affects your entire body, including your skin. Manage stress through mindfulness, meditation, hobbies, exercise, or playing sports. These techniques can be cost-free and have significant benefits.
  • Sleep: Aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep nightly. It’s called beauty sleep for a reason—it helps repair skin cells and rejuvenates your entire body.
  • Sun Protection: Harmful UV rays can age your skin prematurely leading to wrinkles and saggy skin. Always apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 50, regardless of the weather. Avoid direct sunlight between 11AM and 4PM when UV levels peak. You can also wear sunhats, shades, and scarves to ensure more protection.
  • Diet: Incorporate skin-loving foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and avocados. Rich in vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants, these foods shield and nourish your skin. Make them dietary staples.
  • Physical Activity: A healthy diet and physical activity go hand in hand. You don’t need to run marathons or lift heavy weights—a brisk walk or light exercises can boost circulation, ensuring nutrients reach your skin.
  • Skin Care Procedures: Procedures like Botox, microneedling, and IPL can be beneficial. However, without a foundational healthy lifestyle, their efficacy might be limited. While these treatments can be valuable, prioritize overall health and wellness first.
  • Creams and Serums: Incorporate Vitamin C serums and retinoid products. These are available at various price points, so choose what’s effective for your skin type. A robust skincare routine is beneficial, but it doesn’t necessarily have to break the bank.

As you can see, you don’t need to spend excessively on skincare to achieve a glowing and radiant complexion. The best part is, if you maintain this regimen, you might even skip the foundation, saving you money on cosmetics.


2. Can I save money by skipping beauty?

Skipping traditional beauty products and treatments can indeed lead to financial savings.

Many people invest a significant portion of their budgets on cosmetics, skincare, haircare, and salon or spa services. By forgoing these, or opting for DIY alternatives, you can reduce your expenditures.

On top of that, embracing a natural look can save time, which indirectly can have economic benefits. However, it’s essential to strike a balance. Investing in good skincare and the right foods for your skin and body, for instance, can prevent future skin issues that might be costly.

The key is to identify what’s truly necessary for your well-being and what’s purely aesthetic, then prioritize spending accordingly. Every individual’s beauty needs and perceptions are different, so savings can vary based on personal choices.


3. How to save money on your beauty routine?

The adage “less is more” is truly applicable when looking to save money on your beauty routine.

A minimalist yet effective approach emphasizes an active and healthy lifestyle. Ensure you get 7-8 hours of sleep nightly. Daily sunscreen application is essential, even on overcast days, as UVA rays can age your skin prematurely.

Incorporate a vitamin C serum in the morning post-cleansing but pre-moisturizing. At night, consider retinol, a well-researched and effective anti-aging product. Note that retinol makes your skin light-sensitive, so diligent sun protection is paramount. Regardless of retinol use, shield your skin from sunlight. I even keep my window blinds drawn during the day, as long-term exposure to sunlight, even indirectly, can damage skin, with effects often appearing in one’s 30s, 40s, 50s, or later.

Here’s my recap on how to save money on your beauty routine:

  • Embrace a healthy diet and regular exercise.
  • Prioritize sleep.
  • Apply sunscreen daily and be proactive about skin protection.
  • For a vitamin D boost, expose your skin to the morning sun before 10 AM for around 15 minutes, ahead of peak UV times.
  • Use vitamin C serum (morning) and retinol (night).
  • Always hydrate your skin with a good moisturizer.
  • You can always apply an SPF foundation or BB cream over your sunscreen (like what I do whenever I go out) for added protection and makeup coverage.

I can attest that this regimen promotes both skin health and financial savings.


Final words on how to save money on makeup and skincare

There are so many different beauty hacks and clever ways to save money on makeup even on pricier stores like Sephora.

You definitely don’t need to spend a lot of money to feel safe and look your absolute best. It’s best to shop smartly and bank your savings so you can use it towards your dream vacation or an emergency fund.

From using what you already have at home to actively searching for discount codes and free samples, you can see that combining all or most of the makeup buying tips above will stop you from spending too much money on makeup. 

The trick to saving money on makeup is being resourceful and taking the time to research which beauty product best suits your priority and needs – whether it’s to find the safest and harmless products or to find something that has high performance within your budget.


My gorgeous readers, what are your favorite ways to save money on makeup? What beauty hacks or pro makeup tips would you like to share with others who are looking for budget-friendly solutions? Leave your comment below!

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How To Save Money On Makeup And Beauty Products

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